May 1, 2021
Board stuff:
o Discuss roles and identify a President (who presides over the meetings), a Secretary (Who is responsible for meeting minutes), and a Treasurer (Who becomes a signer on the bank account and who will review the financials at each meeting to the community); designate terms of one year, two years, and three years.
o How often and when we meet
§ We will start with once a week
o How can we set up committees for various aspects of the HOA, e.g., social, ACC reviews, special attention items?
§ Postpone and take care of press issues first
o Do we want to have any regular communications?
o Record keeping
§ Google Drive
ACC process:
o Shall we have regular meetings for ACC request reviews and not handle ad hoc?
§ Determined we will review outstanding ACC request during our meeting board meetings
o How long should ACCs take for a response by the board?
§ There is a 30-day time limit to respond to ACC request
o What recourse is there for those who have done things without seeking advance ACC approval?
§ Discuss with J&M Management
o What about the ACCs approved that didn't meet CC&R's?
§ There is no recourse
o Outstanding ACCs – Lot 240 and 104
Review landscaping contract and discuss issues:
o Contact Cascade Landscaping:
§ Extent of responsibility.
§ Areas not landscaped.
§ Ill-maintained areas.
o How can we make sure Lennar will landscape up the left side of the entrance road to match the Richmond side?
§ Reach out to a contact for Lennar
o What about the dead and dying trees?
§ Reach out to landscaper to see if he can save dying tree
Review J&M contract and discuss retaining services:
o What to do about unpaid dues?
o Records of past actions and liens.
Finance stuff:
o What specific areas are covered by utilities? Can that be shown on a map?
o What about a gate at the entrance? What are the city, legal, and safety considerations? What about those houses outside the main campus?
o When will Lennar take down their signs?
o Lennar evidently gave permission to paint the concrete fences dark brown. What recourse do we have? How can we get Lennar to help unify the fence stains the match the rest of the community?
o How will we go about doing inspections?
o What about homeowners who haven’t stained their fences?