NOTICE OF MEETING: An open meeting of the Board of Directors of the Maple Hills HOA
We are excited to announce an upcoming open board meeting. It’s our very first and we are anxious to share a few updates with you. Below is an official notice, but note that this meeting will only be for information-sharing. There will be no official business conducted.
You will have an opportunity to participate in an Open Forum. Each resident present may express concerns for up to five (5) minutes. You must register in advance by sending an email to to express your interest in participating. A member of the board may give a brief response, but we will primarily be recording concerns for later action. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules of decorum. Speakers may not transfer their time to others.
Thank you for your interest and support!
David Jenks - President
Thomas Grissom - Admin Secretary
Pete Watkins - Treasurer
Maple Hills Covington Homeowners Association
NOTICE OF MEETING: An open meeting of the Board of Directors of the Maple Hills Covington Homeowners Association will be held at 6:00 to 7:30 PM on Thursday, November 18 via Zoom. The following items will be on the agenda for the meeting:
Call to order
Roll call (Introduce board members to all attendees)
Open forum
Approval of last meeting’s minutes (There really aren’t any because this is our first meeting with you. But, we wanted you to be familiar with the meeting format.)
Presentation of reports
Treasurer’s report
Special projects reports
Landscaping of Tract L100 and Tract C
Stain common area fences
Restoration of Tract G
Correct the color of the concrete fence on 204th Ave. SE.
Rules and Regulations
Landscape company contract
Management company RFP
Fourth quarter schedule
Old business (Items from this meeting’s special reports will be included on the next open meeting agenda)
New business
Manager’s report added to agendas
Annual calendar
Annual meeting
Board of director elections
Open meeting schedule
Monthly executive board meetings (second to last Thursdays)
Quarterly open board meetings (last Thursday of March, June, September and December)
Interested in participating in a community clean up project to clear brush and blackberries in the open tract by the west section of the community.
Other items from open forum will be considered for new business at the next open meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 921 7173 5176
Passcode: ShE34d