June 10, 2021
● Board items:
o Review action/open items list
● Management:
o Visitor -- Kim Hillyard previous HOA President of another neighborhoods board
● Questions for Kim:
o What wisdom would you give us as first-time board members, just taking over the HOA from the management company? What are the big issues we might encounter?
o We currently have about $40,000 in outstanding dues. How would you recommend we handle that situation?
o It has been recommended that we retain a management company. How would you divide up the duties between the board and the management company?
o How would you handle neighbor-to-neighbor disputes?
o How strict should we be regarding architectural changes homeowners have made without seeking prior approval?
o How would you best plan the annual budget?
o Pete will share our reserve plan with you. Upon review, do you agree with the amount to save aside YOY?
● Newsletter
o Annie to complete the changes to the newsletter
● Landscaping
o Contact landscaper to confirm tree fixes and maintenance.
o Contact Pacific Arboriculture to see about moving ahead with the removal and replacement of trees
● Reviewed Interim Budget