August 19, 2021
● Board:
○ Review action/open items list and functionality of new spreadsheet.
● CCR compliance
○ Notes from Sara (8/16 and 8/18) in response to inquiry about shed build on Lot.
● Governing Documents
○ Rule for Fines, collection procedures and letter of declaration from Greg.
○ Code of conduct (draft in governing documents folder).
○ Rules on aggressive animals
○ Rules for leasing/renting properties or portions thereof (Section 6.1). Sara to reach out to Lot. Do we need a separate rule for Next-Gen homes?
● ACCs
○ Lot, shed. Email from Dave 8/16 about CCR and Covington Municipal Code. Proposed shed is 11 ft tall.
● Communications
○ Review survey results.
○ Newsletter review - email from Annie 8/13 (can she use our personal emails?); addition about Electronic Notice Consent form.
○ Keeping up with Facebook
○ Website status
● Finances
○ Update on arrears letters needed to be sent out by Sara.
○ Annual budget (a homeowner asked me what we are going to do with the massive savings account we have.)
● Landscaping
○ Horticulturist for evaluation of trees.
● Legal
○ Review of letter from Greg, dated 8/9, regarding assessment collections and addition to newsletter.
● Developer
○ Meeting with Jason at main park. When? (Dave sent a follow-on email to Jason, 8/10. Updates and good news from Sara, 8/12. Sara to confirm who spoke to who and see if she can get info about concrete fence responsibility, sprinklers on 259th and tract G.)
● Homeowner issues
○ Follow up with the homeowner who sent a video of a neighbor about a noisy dog. Intent is to document that we are proactive. See if we need to help in any way. Do we issue a notice of violation and warning and follow up with fines?
○ Homeowner email (8/17) about broken fence at end of 204th.
○ Homeowner concern about people driving around the back gate.